Power Plant That Uses its Head!
Other Club Outings 2015
LENNY Shiller's garage, gowanus, brooklyn, ny december 27, 2015
Click below to play a short movie about Lenny's Garage!
Lenny Shiller is a lifelong Brooklyn resident and classic car collector. He has amassed a staggering 58 rare classic cars, while he also owns hundreds of vintage bikes, motorcycles, and memorabilia. Lenny spends his time restoring and maintaining his collection, with the intention one day to pass them on to the next generation. The walls of his 12,000 sq ft garage in Gowanus are stacked with car parts he has collected over the years, the space resembling part working garage, part museum. Filmed and edited by Peter Crosby Music by Salomon Lighthelm www.petercrosbyphotography.com www.twitter.com/peterbcrosby pbcrosby@gmail.com
Stephen Babinsky's Automotive Restorations, Inc, Lebanon, NJ February 7, 2015