41st Annual All Buick Car Show - Wantagh L.I. Rail Road Station Behind Sun Buick/GMC (3333 Sunrise Highway) and next to Wantagh Fire Department Headquarters on Park Ave.
To limit contact due to COVID and the Delta Variant, the show is free for Participants and Spectators.
We will NOT have peer judging or the normal multiple class awards, but there will be limited awards and a Dealer’s Choice Award.
Music and DJ.
Goody Bags & Dash Plaques.
Stoner Car Care Kits to be given away (Valued at over $120.00).
Bobbi and the Strays will be there will adoptable pets!
As of this time we do not have a food vendor.
For more information or day of show contact Marty at (516) 606-4620 or Marc at (516) 205-1064.